Florida Tile understands that we are part of a much larger world and that we have a responsibility to treat that world and its inhabitants fairly. A fundamental part of our operating philosophy is summarized in our Social Responsibility Strategy:
Be Leaders – Florida Tile commits to be enthusiastic leaders in safety, the environment, wellness, product standards, outsourcing, community, and diversity.
Nondiscrimination – Florida Tile will not discriminate against any person based on ethnicity, gender, religion, age, or other personal characteristic.
Diversity – Not only will we not discriminate, but we will actively strive to make our workforce diverse. Through diversity we find new ideas and ways of achieving our goals.
Labor Law Compliance – Florida Tile and its suppliers will strictly comply with all labor laws and can show continuous labor law abidance.
Prohibitions on Forced Labor – Florida Tile and its suppliers do not engage in or permit the use of forced or compulsory labor, per the ILO conventions C29 and C105.
Prohibitions on Child Labor – Florida Tile and it suppliers do not use or condone the use of child labor. We will not operate facilities inconsistent with the intent of ILO Convention 182.
Environmental Regulation Compliance – Florida Tile and its suppliers will stay in compliance with applicable environmental and/or mining laws at all times.
Health and Safety Regulation Compliance – Florida Tile and its suppliers will stay in compliance with applicable health and safety regulations at all times.
Wellness – Florida Tile looks after the wellness of our employees as well as safeguards the wellness of those around our facilities.
Community – Florida Tile is an active member of the communities where our facilities are located. We will always strive to be good corporate citizens by encouraging charitable donations, belonging to and leading civic and business organizations, and working with other community groups.